In all my days of thrifting for books I have never come across anything like this. I was sifting through 50 cent books at a thrift store in the suburbs and I spotted a copy of the Golden Guide to Birds, I already own the book and blogged it in DBG #158. When I picked it up I noticed something in between the Eastern Kingbird and the Great Crested Flycatcher. It turned out to be eight photographs of three different women posing in various states of undress. They appear to have been taken in the 1960s although some could be earlier. I wonder how they ended up there, did a husband hide them in a book that he thought his wife would never take off the shelf? Did he put them in a book about birds because in British slang "birds" can mean women? I suppose we will never know.

Hopefully I made this image small enough that no one will be able to recognize their grandmother.
That's pretty great.
That is pretty cool, nice looking birds, eh?
Yes, they recall an era when photography was the hobby of the pervert.
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