Thursday's performance at the Drake Hotel in Toronto went well, there were approximately 60 people for my piece, and they seemed to be into it. Jordan Tannahill, my director/collaborator, wisely booked the Cowgirl Choir to follow me, having 10 attractive women perform certainly helped to fill the place up. I really enjoyed me week in Toronto, it was great to make new friends and hang out on a new scene. Hopefully I will be doing more up there soon.
Tonight is my slide lecture/performance piece of the Stray Shopping Cart Project at the Drake Hotel. It's presented by Suburban Beast, a Toronto based performance art company. If you are in Toronto tonight please come to the show, it's only $5 and there are two bands after me.
I'm in Toronto this week working on developing a slide lecture/performance piece with the Stray Shopping Cart Project. I'm working with Jordan Tannahill from Suburban Beast, a Toronto based performance art company. If you are in Toronto on Thursday please come to the show.
The website Frazer/Montague Design is now officially up. F/M is the name of my new partnership with fellow designer Betsy Frazer. From now on all of my commercial graphic design work will be conducted under the F/M banner. We have both had freelance practices for a while, so for now the site content is a compilation of our past work as individuals. Thanks to 12 Grain Studio for putting the site together.
The title makes me think of the Dolph Lundgren movie I Come in Peace which features his most memorable line. He responds to the declaration "I come in peace" (by some killer alien), with "You go in pieces"
A couple of weeks ago I did a small installation for Just Buffalo Literary Center's Big Night series. Big Night combines poetry readings, food and other performances (and sometimes art). There is a story about the series in today's Buffalo News. Because nearly all of my current work is in Brooklyn, I could only put together a few elements of Secondary Occupants Collected & Observed. The readings took place on the first floor of the Western New York Book Arts Center, the art was installed in a large room on the second floor. My friend Leah Rico had a projection in the main space, I installed in the unfinished kitchen area. The domesticity of the setting fit with my theme. The installations were on view for a half hour between readings which makes this the shortest running show I've ever had. It also partially explains why my only documentation shots were taken with my iPhone camera. Thanks to Mike and Aaron for including me.
I made one new book for the installation:
I also made new versions of 7 of the books that are currently in the show in Brooklyn.