I just received my copy of The Modernist from Gestalten in the mail. I knew I had some of my faux book covers/posters in the book, but I was super excited to see that I had six pages! Gestalten is such an incredible publishing house, and this book is full of amazing work. I feel honored to be included.
Make that eight pages, I just realized that there was another spread in the book featuring my cover for the Beyond/In Western New York Biennial and two of my faux record covers (Although the blue one is bizarrely cropped). It's a bit weird, my "fake" and "real" graphic design together.
Congratulations, it must be exciting; your work looks great!
They're all good. I didn't realize at first that they are made-up. "Intuition and Pest Control?" Yikes!
The books are part of this project: http://www.flickr.com/photos/23473719@N08/sets/72157624932884137/
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