We live just a block away from The Peace Bridge (between the U.S. and Canada), so we often see strange things passing by on trucks. This appears to be part of the shaft of a windmill.

©1960 / Design: Roy Kuhlman
A little while a ago a friend gave me the DVD of William Shatner's 1977 movie Kingdom of the Spiders (my interest in spiders here.) I finally got around to watching it last night. I can't say it's a great movie, (actually pretty anti-climactic) but it does have a lot of classic Shatner overacting. The original poster for the film is amazing, I think I need to own it.
©1965 / Cover Design by Ronald Clyne. Clyne was the art director for Folkways Records from 1951 to 1981. I just took a quick look to see if there was a good collection of his work online, the best I could find was the web page for a retrospective from New Zealand in 2007: here. I have been disappointed to find, through doing this project, that there are a lot of great designers from the mid century period that have a negligible web presence. I'm thinking particularly of John+Mary Condon, Rudolph De Harak, Fred Troller and Davis/Aviles. The AIGA archives are helpful but low on content. I guess I should start Flickr groups for these designers and see if we could collectively make something happen.

©1971. This didn't quite fit on the scanner, it actually extends a quarter inch or so to the right.
©1968 / Jacket Design: Don Bender

In a strange way I really like this photo collage style. 37th printing, July 1973. Designer: Lockhart / Photo: Ivan Nagy
©1961 / no design/illustration credit
So very angry. ©1999