OK so today's post comes late in the day and is a bit of a cheat. I spent the morning making these faux Penguin covers for the Western New York Book Arts Collaborative Members show (more about that event tomorrow). For the last couple of weeks I have been working on a more significant book related project for that show, but at the last minute I decided that it wasn't working, so I ditched it. For some reason I had the idea to design Germano Facetti style Penguin book covers for The Fast and the Furious and its third sequel Tokyo Drift. It's fun to try to mimic a specific style as accurately as possible. Abbey of Aesthetic Outburst (she was facillitating the drop-off of the pieces at WNYBAC), said it was kind of like graphic design fan fiction. That sounds right to me, as long as we are talking about me being a fan of Germano Facetti and not the movies, which I haven't seen.
Come on...admit it. You're a closet fan of the movies. :) Kidding. I obsessed over these all afternoon.
I guess I should see the the movies, maybe I will be inspired to write real Fan Fic and pen a fifth sequel. Maybe "Stockholm Drift" with pimped out Volvo 240s and Saab 900s tearing through the streets of the Swedish capital.
You could borrow our old Volvo and do a low-brow version in downtown Buffalo. "Buffalo Drift"- the whole movie would have to be set in winter though.
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