Monday, May 18, 2009

Daily Book Graphics #86 / The Fast and the Fake

OK so today's post comes late in the day and is a bit of a cheat. I spent the morning making these faux Penguin covers for the Western New York Book Arts Collaborative Members show (more about that event tomorrow). For the last couple of weeks I have been working on a more significant book related project for that show, but at the last minute I decided that it wasn't working, so I ditched it. For some reason I had the idea to design Germano Facetti style Penguin book covers for The Fast and the Furious and its third sequel Tokyo Drift. It's fun to try to mimic a specific style as accurately as possible. Abbey of Aesthetic Outburst (she was facillitating the drop-off of the pieces at WNYBAC), said it was kind of like graphic design fan fiction. That sounds right to me, as long as we are talking about me being a fan of Germano Facetti and not the movies, which I haven't seen.


Aesthetic Outburst... said...

Come on...admit it. You're a closet fan of the movies. :) Kidding. I obsessed over these all afternoon.

Unknown said...

I guess I should see the the movies, maybe I will be inspired to write real Fan Fic and pen a fifth sequel. Maybe "Stockholm Drift" with pimped out Volvo 240s and Saab 900s tearing through the streets of the Swedish capital.

Aesthetic Outburst... said...

You could borrow our old Volvo and do a low-brow version in downtown Buffalo. "Buffalo Drift"- the whole movie would have to be set in winter though.