One of the difficulties of publishing a guide to an event like Expo 67 is that you have to go to press long before anything is finished being built. I'm currently dealing with this issue (in a small way) with an upcoming show, we have to install early so that we have time to have the catalog printed before the opening. All of the images in the Expo guide are illustrations or photographs of models, There is an unreality to them that makes it hard to believe that they were ever actually built. Check out this Flickr set called Expo 67 Forty Years Later, it has some pictures of Calder's L'Homme sculpture (it looks way more impressive in the illustration above), which now stands over the Expo time capsule which will be opened in 2067.
thanks for posting this Expo 67 Guide Book. I attended this World's Fair in the Summer of 1967 with my grandparents. might enjoy:
Cool! Thanks for the link.
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