I was excited to learn yesterday that my blog had been named a "Blog of Note" on Blogger. I hope you all keep visiting. I post once or twice a day. Daily Book Graphics is a project where everyday I post some sort of graphic or image from a book that I own. My plan is to do it for a year, today is day 42. I also post the DBG images in this Flickr set. If you are interested in seeing my design and art work, check out my websites MontagueProjects.com and StrayShoppingCart.com. I also highly recommend my book The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America: A Guide to Field Identification.

That's a pretty cool idea. Congrats on blog of the day - you are deserving.
Congratulations on being blog of the day, your idea is really cool and I'm really liking your art work.
If you'd like to check out my blog the link is http://charlottemarchant-jones.blogspot.com/
It's mainly about psychology and my interests but it might be interesting to you.
congratulation. Did you submit your blog? or what did you?
No it just happened out of the blue. According to the page, the "Blogger Team" keeps their eyes open for blogs of note. I'm quite surprised, this has been a very low traffic blog for most of its existence.
Hi there.Usually I don't read any other blog on blogspot. Blogspot recommended you on the firstpage.So I come check out and it feel like this "BINGO! " I'm a graphic student and your blog will be very helpful.Thanks for posting
Not many things interest me, but I find your body of work fascinating and refreshing. To top it off, your blog is nothing short of brilliant. Cheers on your recognition. Have you ever thought about the Pan Pacifics?
Congrats for being on Blogs of Note!
It's getting crowded in here....
Some of your postings remind me of how production value in itself sometimes adds to the quality of work. Somehow, and I guess explicably so, before one had a Mac to whip out examples of design a piece had to be carefully plotted before execution. I don't think the cover of Herp Albert's famous album could happen today.
Thanks for these examples.
The images are great, congrats on being a 'blog o note!' : )
I'm new to your page and new to blogging, any advice?
how do i subscribe to your blog? i love it :)
Great stuff, I really like your posts on printed design.
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